Utrecht -06

the 8th Dutch Kinks Fan Meeting 


February 19th, 2006 
"Stairway to Heaven" in Utrecht, Holland:
Kast Off Kinks / Kinky2 / Flamin’ Stars

John "The Baptist" Gosling,  accompanied the Kinky2

Click on the
 pictures for
 bigger ones!

Elly Smids

You will olso find 15 pictures from the fan meeting in flaminstars.nl

Hello Kai and Arve!

The Dutch Konvention was a hugh succes. Very crowded, wonderful atmosphere
and more than plenty of good Kinksmusic. All day..........

The Stairway To Heaven is a wonderful place to play. Good lightning,
Superb sound. The new Ray Davies CD was for sale there!

`The Kinky2` did a great set, as I may say myself. We were in good shape.
We opened the day at 12.15 hours. A bit early, but O.K.

The Flamin´Stars also did a very good job. They were very succesful.

The Kok´s were in great shape also. They did a lot of songs you know from
their playlist, but also did Have A Cuppa Tea, Willesden Green and
Dedicated Follower (~sung by Mick Avory! Unique!) And Rasa did a few
backing vocals. They had a lot of beer and a lot of fun, so had the audience.

There are plans to make a DVD of the day, so some footage will undoubtedly
come your way in the near future. Just takes time.

I will also send you pictures of `The Kinky2` my girlfriend made. But that
will also take some time, before I have them in my computer to send them to you.

We missed you all! In thoughts you were there anyway!

Best wishes from

(One of `The Kinky2´)

 This is the Poster from the 8th Dutch Kinks Fan Meeting: